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# EscapeWithMessika

Although the world has taken pause, Valérie Messika has been taking stock of her surroundings. The grandeur of this world that we routinely see swirling around, the one in which we never have time, in which we no longer take time… this moment at a standstill has allowed the designer to refocus and watch this world with fresh eyes.

Lush greenery, rocky mountains, the burning sun, the swirling stormy sea and the passionate impetuous waves, Valérie Messika sees the designs for flamboyant plastrons in the curve of a dune, the shape of a sensual ear cuff, in the verdant abundance of leaves, and stunning reflections of diamonds.

With travel restricted, the designer feels the deep desire to pay tribute to the perfections to the beauty within the elements of nature. After retreating through collections of photographs, she declared herself ready for escapism, a change of scenery, and for a new dream.

“My eyes have been opened to the abundance and magnificence of nature” – Valerie Messika

Ready to embark on a journey?

The colour of fire and passion, the vermilion red is explosive. Deep along the necklace, the carnelian disc is married perfectly with rose gold. An ode to the most beautiful summer sunsets.