New multi-dimensional makeup brand inspired by South Asian consumers: Introducing Just B

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Smart, multi-dimensional makeup range inspired by South Asian Consumers, launches in the UAE

Introducing, Just B Cosmetics, high-performing customizable lipstick products 

Introducing Just B, a makeup range celebrating the beauty of brown skin, formulated and created by renowned Pakistani makeup artist Bina Khan and her longtime friend and Engineering leader, Madiha Chan. The makeup range includes smart, multi-dimensional lipstick products catered to work effectively on brown skin and everyone else.

Just B, is a new eco-conscious cosmetics brand that is ready to empower every woman of color with high-performing and customizable lipstick products that sparks creativity and joy. The brand advocates that there is beauty in every colour and aims to celebrate the unique beauty of each skin tone. At the heart of the message is inclusivity, expanding the conversation to include those who have felt left out before.

“Just B was created to be the place where people with brown skin can be authentic and feel heard,” said Bina Khan, co-founder of Just B. “We are addressing the needs of the South Asian community that have been neglected by the beauty industry for a long time — it has been difficult for people with brown skin to find lip shades that work well with their skin, and more importantly, lip tones. Lip Spectrum addresses that problem at the root.”