LE BHV MARAIS celebrates UAE’s local and regional designers and entrepreneurs through their lifestyles

by / Comments Off on LE BHV MARAIS celebrates UAE’s local and regional designers and entrepreneurs through their lifestyles / 102 View / November 7, 2017

LE BHV Marais, the Parisian favorite department store for home fashion and beauty products in Dubai proudly unveiled a new campaign featuring the beauty expert and the co-founder of the beauty brand official profound beauty Al Reem Saif, cultural Entrepreneur & creative director of Bilarabi Nadine Kanso, Designer and co-founder of Mrs. Keepa Mariam yehia and Home design enthusiast and Presenter Enjy Kiwan, who between them LE BHV Marais represented the height of the UAE’s creative scene.

The talented assortment of designers and entrepreneurs are widely recognized to be amongst the most exceptional, fashionable and local- home grown talents and will now officially represent the Le BHV Marais in their new campaign by integrating their lifestyle through Le BHV Marais each one by choosing a specific home set-up from Le BHV Marais and each set-up is showing their fans their different personalities. All designers are now displaying their unique designs at Le BHV Marais.

Each Designer and Entrepreneur described her lifestyle in a different way:

• Nadine Kanso– Cultural Entrepreneur & Creative director of Bil Arabi:

“ My home is like a collage I get all the inspiration from it- I can find everything that inspires me at LE BHV Marais. She added, “It is good to love yourself and not letting people get to your head or affect you. You stay true to yourself, to what you do, to your art”

• Mariam Yehia– Mrs. Keepa designer and co-founder:

“Surprisingly enough my home isn’t full of colors like my life and outfits, I only like to have one color for my home either black or white and that was found at Le BHV Marais” My principal is life is to to Never ever confuse snobbery with elegance”

• Al Reem Saif – Beauty Expert and official profound beauty

“ It’s so good to have everything you need under one roof that’s why I love Le BHV Marais. From beauty, fashion and home this is unbelievable. If we are speaking about my lifestyle then I have to say that it is all about working hard, driving a local scene forward with every opportunity I have, influencing others, and representing my own passion” “be your own hero” She added.

• Enjy Kiwan – Home design enthusiast and Presenter

“home furniture is something I would get inspiration from. My lifestyle is always about dreaming and I think you can dream in colors in anything you do”

Home & fashion designs enthusiasts across the UAE are invited to create their own lifestyle through a series of events that will take place at LE Bhv Marais, city walk as follows:

• Mrs. Keepa fashion styling event, Saturday November 11th at Le Bhv Marais ground floor.