How do you get glitter to stick to your eyelids?

by / Comments Off on How do you get glitter to stick to your eyelids? / 547 View / June 23, 2022

To get glitter to stick to your eyelids, use lip balm or petroleum jelly. These products are just sticky enough for the glitter to adhere.

First, apply a thin layer of the product where you want the glitter to be on your eyelid. Do not apply these products on top of eyeshadow because it will smear.

Then, using a cotton swab, spread lip balm or petroleum jelly around each eye in an oval shape from the inner corner to the outer corner.

You can also make a triangle shape from the inner corner down to the outer corner and back up again if you prefer that look.

Next, take a small amount of glitter and place it in the center of your eyelids where you applied lip balm or petroleum jelly.

Gently press down on the glitter with your finger so that it sticks firmly in place.