Dubai Duo Exhibition Ali Hassoun and young German Artist Annika Geigel

by / Comments Off on Dubai Duo Exhibition Ali Hassoun and young German Artist Annika Geigel / 162 View / March 1, 2023

Ali Hassoun is a gifted figurative painter who has lived and breathed his art since his early years in Lebanon. His studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence and his extensive stay in Italy for over 35 years honed his skills and allowed him to delve deeper into the history of art.

Hassoun’s travels between East and West culminated in his move to Dubai, where he synthesized multiple identities into his paintings. His works feature conceptual elements, pop art, and surrealism with multiple layers of interpretation, earning him the title of “new magical realism” by international museum curator Maurizio Vanni.

Throughout his career, Hassoun has displayed his work in prestigious galleries and art fairs across Europe and internationally, and he has recently been invited to participate in museum projects in Italy. He continues to captivate audiences with his unique and thought-provoking art.

Annika Geigel is a talented self-taught figurative artist from Munich, Germany. Born in 1995, she showed a passion for art from a young age and began painting at an early stage in her life. Her works are a celebration of the love and respect between different cultures, with a strong focus on the Orient and foreign cultures.

Geigel’s pieces are a testament to the spiritual and aesthetic beauty of life, as she connects people to these aspects through her use of vibrant colors and bold patterns, mainly with oil on canvas. Her works have been exhibited in solo and group shows in Germany and Italy, and she has recently made the move to Dubai to continue her artistic pursuits in the Middle East.