by / Comments Off on PURIFICACION GARCIA WHAT YOU DON’T SEE / 109 View / November 9, 2020

Through these images we invite the viewer to discover what lies behind a Purificacion Garcia bag or accessory once it has been created and sent to our stores.

The process doesn’t end once the article is in our warehouse. Before it reaches our customers, it needs to come to life through images which will then become its letter of introduction on social media and our website.

Each bag and accessory is analysed, discussed and the inspiration behind each one defined, so that the end result transmits a concept that fits perfectly within the whole collection. In this way, the 360º bag needs to convey flexibility and movement, or the Homenaje Trenzado must stand out for its colour and the texture of its leather.

It is a journey which, once again, allows creativity and imagination to take flight and which is reflected in every photograph that captures the imagination of the brand’s devotees through colour, irony, geometry and humour.